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Backlog Bingo 2022

The most Epic time of the year is here.  The excitement builds for this day more than any other holiday.  More than Turkey (not Trash) Day for the over eaters, more than St Patty's Day for an alcoholic, more than Xmas day for the children.    Yes, I am talking about the day where a new year of Backlog Bingo starts and a new year of Fun and Excitement playing games that you have had sitting around and never got to. The Backlog Busters proudly present to you, Backlog Bingo 2022. When you beat a game please: Post some screenshots and name the game Tag the Backlog Busters on Twitter @Backlog_Busters Use HashTag #BacklogBingo Talk about what you liked or disliked about the game and  Tell us what square this game is occupying on your Backlog Bingo card! When you get a bingo or Super Bingo DM @Backlog_Busters on Twitter so we can put your through a rigorous verification process and get your sweet sweet payout to you, eventually. Have fun and spread the word and please,...

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