Trash Turkey September Newsletter

Hey Backloggers!

Have you ever wanted to be a spy? Well do I have a fun paper wheel craft for you. This month we are going to make a Caesar Cipher!!!! These were used long ago by Julius Caesar to send important messages to other important people, but in 2018 a Turkey will send messages to YOU! These messages are exclusive to newsletter subscribers and may include very, very important messages like, “Be sure to drink your Ovaltine,” or maybe even a game/subscription code.

Use this link to download the pdf printable and use the already lettered wheels. To decipher the message line up the Letters on the wheels “key” that I give you ( This months is B v ). Look for the letter on the inner wheel from the code and write down the letter on the outer wheel. This is the secret message! Numbers will stay the same when deciphering from code to message and spaces separate words.

This month’s code is below (remember key is B v)

1 gihnb rvir fcpy wixy
b7jls rpvks slnpg 8xr9w vv938

Have a blessed month! See you next time

Gobble Gobble,



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